Monday, January 28, 2013

Not the way I planned

So sometimes in life you jump and things just dont turn out the way you thought....that happen to my last crocheting project

Frist find a doily, or crochet one

Cover a bowl with pastic

Next in a pot combine 3 part water and 1/2 part of cornstarch .(I didn't do is the should be reallllllllly water down..not so thick) cook until cornstarch is dissolve 

Dip crochet piece in the pot

then cover it over your bowl

You might need a bowl water because it does get sticky 

Let dry over night or until completely dry.

Peel off crochet piece then you have a beautiful crochet bowl :)

You can see the white stuff b/c I mistake up but it all good

Someone told me to that I have 4 options when I make an mistake 
1. Complaint about it
2. Cry about
3. Do something about it
4. Do nothing

I decide to do nothing and it bring character to my decor in my house...

Love Tasha

Monday, January 21, 2013

my hats off to you

Today is the 50th year since Martin Luther King made history, as I watch the inauguration of the 1st black president takes his place for his second term I am proud of my America. Yes, we are not prefect and Yes there is alot for us to do. Yes,  we are full of ourselves, but my hat is still come off to those who made it possible for me to watch this moment on tv and be  proud to be american.

Here what I made as I watch

Pattern (this is not my own pattern I saw it another website cant remember where):
Ch 2
Row1: 9 dc in the 2nd ch.  sl st
Row 2: 2dc in each dc sl st
Row 3: 2dc in 1st dc, 1dc in 2nd dc..continue st
Row4: 2dc in 1st dc, 1dc in 2nd dc, 1dc in 3rd dc..continue st
Row 5:2dc in 1st dc, 1dc in 2nd dc, 1dc in 3rd dc, 1dc in 4th dc..continue st
Row 6. dc in dc, dc in dc, *ch 1 skip 2 dc, dc in dc, dc in dc*...repeat ** until the end.
Row 7 sl st until ch 1.. CHANGE COLOR..*dc in skip dc, dc in skip dc, ch1 skip 2 dc* repeat ** until end
Row 8-16 or desire length: Repeat row 7
row 17: slip stitch all round...

This hat fits a baby 12-24 fit an adult dont do row 17..
here is another pictures

This a easy pattern enjoy....more to come

Love Tasha

Friday, January 11, 2013

New Job!!!

So a couple of week I got laid off from my teaching job...budget I was lost on what to do..without thinking I started crocheting and came up with  new patterns.

 I am so excited to show the world. Right now I only have pictures of one is the close up 

Its a baby sweater that is crocheted in two piece instead of sleeve, front, and back sew together...the reason why I came up with this pattern is because I hate sewing in the ends and I wanted something fast to do for babies instead of booties. I am so excited to show more, but I am waiting to find a cute baby to model it...

Life is great I am learning alot about what I want to do with my life..
